Jesus' greatest gift of love to us is the Eucharist. In fact, it is more than just a gift. It is also the Gift-Giver: Jesus gives us Himself every single time we receive the Eucharist.

Come by every week to revisit the Youth Mass Homily!! This past Sunday, Deacon Kory Killgo preached on how our call to holiness is not fulfilled by achieving impossible standards, but rather by letting the infinite God dwell within our everyday lives. Listen now!

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Sometimes it can be difficult to imagine that an all-powerful, infinite, perfect God could ever relate to and understand our hearts and feelings. However, we know that Jesus was like us in all ways except sin (Her. 4:15). Jesus was middle-school aged at one point, studying and growing with His family just like everybody else. That means He can understand our emotions and experiences in a deeper way than we could imagine!

Since Jesus is able to understand and relate to our hearts, it is important for us to share our hearts with Him. Whether we are happy or sad, excited or anxious, or anywhere in between, Jesus wants to know how we are feeling so that He can love us in the way that only He can!

Use these questions to comfortably bring Jesus into your everyday conversations during car rides, dinner time, and beyond.

  • What do you think Jesus was like when He was middle-school aged?

  • Do you think Jesus can relate to our hearts?

  • Why do we need to tell Jesus how we are feeling?

  • Does Jesus care about what we do every day?

  • How can we let Jesus into our daily tasks?


Looking for new songs to help you and your family enter into worship? The Youth Ministry team piled together their current favorite worship songs in a playlist just for you!! Check it out below to pray along with us!