1/22 RECAP


Jesus' greatest gift of love to us is the Eucharist. In fact, it is more than just a gift. It is also the Gift-Giver: Jesus gives us Himself every single time we receive the Eucharist.

This past Sunday, Fr. Edwin preached on how Jesus had His three closest friends (Peter, James, and John) that He was able to show His true self to. In the same way, we are all made for community and need a close inner circle of friends that can support us well. Do you have an inner circle of friends that you can walk with on a regular basis? Every week we gather in our MSM small groups, these groups are a great place to start looking for good, holy friendships!


Even though it may sometimes feel like Jesus is far away, Jesus actually remains near to us always. Jesus died and was buried, but He rose from the dead on the third day. The promise of resurrection is given to us when we are baptized and become a part of God’s family.

Use these questions to comfortably bring Jesus into your everyday conversations during car rides, dinner time, and beyond.

  • How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?

  • Who is Jesus to you?

  • Who is one person in your life that knows a lot about Jesus? What do they know about Him?

  • When Jesus feels far away, what is one thing you can do to remember that He is close to you?


Looking for new songs to help you and your family enter into worship? The Youth Ministry team piled together their current favorite worship songs in a playlist just for you!! Check it out below to pray along with us!