St. Ann Children’s Ministry is excited to present the St. Ann Daddy Daughter Dance! We can't wait to dance the night away with you!

For dads and daughters in K-5th grade. Uncles, grandfathers, and other father figures are welcome to attend with a K-5th grade girl.

Ticket prices:

$15 for dad + one daughter • $20 for dad + 2 or more daughters

Additional Information: 

Attire: Dad's please wear a dress shirt & tie. Daughters come in your fanciest or favorite dress to twirl in. Everyone wear your dancing shoes! Bonus points if dads & daughters match! 

Food & Beverage: There will be desserts and light snacks avaialble at the dance. We will serve non-alcoholic beverages as well. 

Location: This event will be held in the Assembly Room. (This is a change from last year!)

We hope to see you on February 21!