All Saints Day is coming up on November 1st- and we want to celebrate with your creativity. We will have an All Saints Day Art Gallery on display in the Narthex of the Main Church showcasing art by St. Ann Kids! Keep reading for details and instructions…


1. Find a Saint (or Servant of God or Venerable or Blessed) that interests you.

2. Get creative! Make a piece of artwork about that saint. Maybe a portrait of them, a scene from their life, an inspiring quote from them.


  • We are providing the “frame” for your artwork. (8.5x14in paper sent home on 9/18 or 9/222)

  • Anything turned in not on the frame provided will not be displayed.

  • We recommend completing your artwork on a separate sheet then attaching it into the frame. (Dimensions not exceeding 8in x 11in.)

  • Fill in the blanks below the frame.

3. Bring your artwork to Children’s Ministry. The last session date to return artwork is October 16 (Wednesday) or October 20 (Sunday).The deadline to submit artwork to our office is Tuesday, October 22

*This activity is limited to kids in 1st-4th grade who are registered in our St. Ann Kids program.