We had a blast last Sunday and want to help you keep the momentum going all week long!
This past Sunday, we celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the King, started a new series on prayer, prayed a decade of the rosary, and more!!
11/20 RECAP
Jesus' greatest gift of love to us is the Eucharist. In fact, it is more than just a gift. It is also the Gift-Giver: Jesus gives us Himself every single time we receive the Eucharist.
Come by every week to revisit the Youth Mass Homily!! This past Sunday, Fr. Edwin preached on the shocking reality of the Cross, why Jesus laid down His life as King of the Universe, and how we are called to respond to Him in our daily lives. Listen now!
When we understand what prayer is, we can make sense of why we need to pray to God who is all-powerful and all- knowing. Jesus invites us to pray, and He reveals to us the heart of prayer, which is a relationship with God. Prayer connects us to God and should be the source and foundation of our everyday life.
Use these questions to comfortably bring Jesus into your everyday conversations during car rides, dinner time, and beyond.
Which relationships in your life are most important right now?
What does good communication look like in important relationships?
What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus?
What comes t mind when you think of prayer?
Have you ever prayed for something important? What happened?
How often should we pray?
This week, we encourage you to integrate worship music into your daily walk with Jesus. Play a worship song in the car or in your home before bed, and pray along with the words as best as you can! If you need a few suggestions, check out one of our Spotify playlists below.