Monday Afternoon & Evening
/The first work day is always a little tough — it’s a lot of hurry and wait! We unload tools at the worksite but then have to get the lay of the land and an overview of the projects for the week before anything can begin. Some groups had more prep to do than others, but everyone got in the action before lunch!
Here’s a brief description of what is happening at each worksite:
Brick House: roof repair
The Fortress: repair roof leak, flashing; reconstruct rotting window frame; painting
La Frontera: build a 24’x36’ pavilion to provide shade for refugees waiting for services
Lawn Mower House: install ADA-compliant shower, replace insulation and drywall; repair stairs, hole in the floor, and bathroom cabinet
Matador House: roof repair, put up new sheetrock, shower repairs
Rin Tin Tin House: build 30’ ADA-compliant wheelchair ramp on exterior; repair landing and steps; repair rotting floor in bathroom
Santa Margarita church: paint interior; scrape exterior wood, sand, and repaint; repair ramps on exterior
Santa Monica church: phase 1 of roof construction over the pavilion area (to be finished next year)
Umbrella House: roofing, sheetrock, and insulation
VBS is being hosted in the mornings at both Santa Monica and Santa Margarita
Joey and some of the guys on the roof at the Brick House on Monday
After a delicious taco dinner, we gathered for our evening session. Kicking it off was a game called “Dutch Auction” where a panel of judges (moms, dads, and core members) eliminated participants until one winner remains. The first challenge? Stinkiest shoes. 😂 They also competed in sound effects (mimicking the sound of paper being ripped), a speed race to find a stick of deodorant, and best creative handshake.
Teams will continue to accumulate points this week as they work toward the grand prize (which, honestly… is still TBD.)
No adults were harmed by participation in this activity.
Taking the lead on the evening session tonight was the coolest Director of Youth Ministry any of us know: Joey Scancella. As we continue on this journey of learning more about belonging, Joey broke open a tough topic: the lies we often learn to tell ourselves. We often hear these lies thanks to the tricks of satan, who ultimately desires to destroy us… but we repeat them to ourselves and end up believing that we don’t belong — that we aren’t good enough, that we are unloveable, that we are too broken, and so on.
Instead of sharing from his experience alone, Joey invited six Core Team members to share testimonies that related to some misbeliefs about ourselves that we might have in common. As Joey named each of these things, such as “God can’t use someone with my past” or “I am only as good as what I can do or accomplish.”
As these Core members shared why that particular lie resonated with them, they also shared how God has worked in those wounds and brought about healing, understanding, and a greater relationship with Him. It was a really powerful evening of testimonies, and it was a really unique opportunity to hear from multiple people who are earnestly following the Lord and wanting to find His healing.
Between each testimony, Joey was able to reinforce the truth that needs to be heard when those lies arise. As he concluded his talk, Joey shared about St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, or Edith Stein, and the courage she had in turning her life over fully to follow the Lord. The talk was followed by a great opportunity to discuss and share in small groups.
As we entered the church for our evening prayer, every person was given a single link from a chain. Father Paul led us in Eucharistic adoration, and we prayed in silence so we could listen for the Lord’s voice. After a few minutes in prayer, Joey led us in a litany that was written for this retreat in particular. We’re calling it the Litany of Direction, because it focuses on the guidance and love we so often need from the Lord. You can pray with it by clicking here.
After praying the litany, we were all invited to consider a lie that we want to surrender to the Lord, approach the sanctuary to kneel and pray, and then leave the chain link in a bucket before Him. It was a really beautiful prayer experience for everyone.
Then, it was off to bed after snacks to be ready for tomorrow! The teens and adults were all happy to go to bed a little early!