24 Things to Do at Home Instead of Binging Netflix
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Here are some helpful links.
Pray the Rosary
Pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy
Dive into our Catholic faith through Fr. Mike Schmitz
Learn about the Bible https://bibleproject.com
Read the daily gospel http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/
Complete a puzzle
Pray the bible with Lectio Divina
Write a penpal
Digital Journal https://daylio.webflow.io
Listen to an audiobook like The Chronicles of Narnia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyxywJlBDnM
Build an awesome fort
Call a relative
Make a spiritual communion
Have a spa day!
Learn a new skill from Skillshare
Discover a new podcast
Pray a Liturgy of the hours
Help out with family chores
Start an exercise routine
Gain wisdom through Phun Facts of Wisdom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jqwa_GEe6A
Play a game with your family
Attend daily mass with Bishop Barron
Go camping in your backyard