24 Things to Do at Home Instead of Binging Netflix

Download this board to your phone and keep track of your status. Tag @Stannhsm when you’ve completed one or more of these #24things

Download this board to your phone and keep track of your status. Tag @Stannhsm when you’ve completed one or more of these #24things

Here are some helpful links.

  1. Pray the Rosary

  2. Pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy 

  3. Dive into our Catholic faith through Fr. Mike Schmitz

  4. Learn about the Bible https://bibleproject.com

  5. Read the daily gospel http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/

  6. Complete a puzzle

  7. Pray the bible with Lectio Divina 

  8. Write a penpal  

  9. Digital Journal https://daylio.webflow.io

  10. Listen to an audiobook like The Chronicles of Narnia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyxywJlBDnM

  11. Build an awesome fort 

  12. Call a relative

  13. Make a spiritual communion 

  14. Have a spa day!

  15. Learn a new skill from Skillshare

  16. Discover a new podcast

  17. Pray a Liturgy of the hours 

  18. Help out with family chores 

  19. Start an exercise routine

  20. Gain wisdom through Phun Facts of Wisdom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jqwa_GEe6A

  21. Play a game with your family 

  22. Attend daily mass with Bishop Barron

  23. Learn about a saint

  24. Go camping in your backyard