Faith Formation Grades 1 - 5

Session Eleven

Advent Candles.png

Advent (part 2)

Start by watching this video:

Then access the Faith Formation Guide for this session here:

Extras for Kids

Resources for Parents

Here are some additional podcasts, articles, and videos to learn more about Advent.


The waiting of Advent can be a time filled with great family activities and memories. Jackie and Bobby share some activities for Advent that have helped make the season more meaningful in their family. Maybe something they do will make perfect sense for you and you household.

What does Advent mean to you? A time to put the lights up, gift shop, and eat chocolate? Or is it something more? Fr. Mike says it's good to prepare ourselves for Christmas during Advent, but ultimately that’s not what the liturgical season is about. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus had to stay in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Will you use this season to make room for Jesus in your life?