HSM Senior, Gaby Garza, has partnered with In My Shoes to help support women in need! Here is a list of items needed. Please bring donated items to 242 in the Assembly Room on Sunday, Feb. 23rd:

  • Diapers (sizes 5 & 6)

  • Baby wipes

  • Tampons 

  • Thin pads

  • Sanitary Wipes

  • Underwear

  • Towels

  • Flex cups

Email Gaby if you have any questions:


HSM is looking for 20-30 teens to help lead small groups and games for children during the St. Ann Parish Mission! This is like a one-day VBS that is a ton of fun! If you like helping with VBS in the Summer or Midsummer Madness - this is for you! There will be a training meeting on Sunday, Feb. 23rd after 242. Sign-up here:

Serve at the 4:30pm Youth Mass:


June 16-20, 2025

HSM Teens are invited to volunteer as small group leaders, game/skit characters, and speakers for this Middle School Ministry Summer Camp. It’s missionary madness! And so much fun! Email Mo Bass at if you’re interested in serving!

St. Joseph’s Retirement Village

Terry Webb from the St. Ann Respect Life Ministry reached out to MSM & HSM with an invitation for teens (and their parents if desired) to volunteer on select Sunday afternoons at St. Joseph’s Retirement Village. This includes serving the elderly by visiting them and simply blessing them with your presence through conversations, games, and other social events hosted at St. Joseph’s Village.

Anyone who would like to volunteer must first submit an application (button below). When you have a chance, please complete the application and submit it to Terry Webb directly at

Here are a few things to keep in mind while completing the application:

  • This application is for both teens and adults

  • The St. Ann Respect Life Ministry is especially looking for volunteers to help on Sunday afternoons

  • This application includes a background check authorization

If you have any questions, please contact Terry Webb directly at or contact St. Joseph’s Retirement Village directly.

St. Ann YM Event Set-Up (Fall-Spring)

Help set up for MSM Nights & HSM 242 Nights on Sunday afternoons from 1:45pm-3:00pm. We start by setting up the Cenacle for MSM: hundreds of carpet squares and a few tables set out. We then move over to the Assembly Room to set up for the HSM 242 Night: about 300 chairs and a few tables. Sometimes we also set up Assisi Hall if MSM or HSM needs it.

Join the “GroupMe” Announcement Group to be notified each week of set-up needs and updates.