Information for Guests

We want each of our Honored Guests to get the most out of this special night. In order to help our guests prepare for the evening, here are some tools to use in the weeks and days leading up to Night to Shine. Click the images below for two picture schedules as well as a narrative detailing the evening from start to finish. More tools will be shared as they are available.

Information for Volunteers

Thank you so much for saying yes to letting God’s love shine with us on February 7, 2025. All Volunteers must attend a Volunteer Training. Volunteer Training will be both Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:00 PM and Monday, February 3, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the Cenacle located beneath the clocktower in the St. Ann Center. Buddy Training will take place immediately afterward.

Volunteer Team Descriptions

Boutique Team - Volunteers will assist guests with choosing the right outfit to dance the night away.   Boutique takes place two consecutive Saturdays before Night to Shine. 

Flower Team - Volunteers will assemble corsages and boutonnières for guests at a time to be determined before Prom Night.  

Decorations Team - Volunteers will assist with decorating the main event spaces including the pre-prom room, the Cenacle, the Karaoke and Crafts Room and Assisi Hall.  Decoration preparation shifts will be available throughout the week of prom.

Buddy Team - Volunteers will be paired with a King or Queen to enrich the Prom Night experience.  Buddies will participate in a brief extended training following the Official Night to Shine Training. 

Glam Team - Volunteers will provide guests with full glam experience including hair, make-up and shoe shine.

Clean Up Team - Volunteers will assist with cleaning each space as it is closed to guests and their families.

Dance Floor Team - Volunteers will keep the party going! Dance floor volunteers will serve as both extra help to Buddies to need assistance with their King or Queen, and friendly faces to help our Kings and Queens get out and stay out on the dance floor.  

Respite Team - Volunteers will provide radical hospitality to parents and caregivers in the Respite Room.  Volunteers will assist with serving the buffet style dinner, engaging in conversation and distributing parent/caregivers gifts.

Entourage - Volunteers will be a warm welcome and radical hospitality as our Kings and Queens arrive for Prom.  The Entourage will engage with guests in the pre-prom area and assist with preparing guests and their buddies as they move through the main event spaces.

Food  Team - Volunteers will assist the caterer with preparing plates and serving dinner to Kings, Queens and Buddies as well as replenishing snack tables in the pre-prom area as well as the Assisi Hall.

Gift Team - Volunteers will meet in advance of Prom Night to assemble guest gift bags.  On Prom Night, the Gift Team will assist with distributing gifts to guests prior to their departure from Assisi Hall.

Guest Check-In - Volunteers will assist with checking-in guests as they arrive on Prom Night, ensuring that each guest has a signed Consent Form on file, and additional information is confirmed.

Volunteer Check-In - Volunteers will assist with checking-in all Night to Shine volunteers, ensuring that a signed Consent Form is on file and that the volunteers has the appropriate credentials.  Volunteer Check-In Team will also work in the hospitality room until the end of the event.

Parking-Lot Team - Volunteers will direct guests, parents, caregivers, and volunteers to the appropriate location upon their arrival to St. Ann as well as assist as needed in transporting guests to main event space.

Activities Team - Volunteers will interact with Kings and Queens and their Buddies outside of the main event space in a room reserved for crafts and karaoke. 

Restroom Team - Volunteers will monitor the restroom area and provide limited assistance as needed. 

Sensory Team - Volunteers will interact with Kings and Queens in a sensory friendly environment outside the main event space. 

Transportation Team - Volunteers will assist Kings, Queens and Buddies as they take their turn riding in the limousine throughout the evening. 

Crowning Team - Volunteers will assist with the Crowning Ceremony during Prom, a special moment when each of our guests are crowned Prom King or Queen.

More Ways to Help

As we continue to pray and prepare to make this experience a night to remember, there are additional ways you can support Night to Shine in the coming weeks. Here’s how -

  • Write an encouraging note to one of our Guests and drop it off at your church office. Make sure to include “Night to Shine Honored Guest” on the outside so that it makes its way to us.

  • Start praying for our Kings and Queens, that their night is filled with joy, love, laughter and dancing just as if we were together in person.