4/23 RECAP
Special Topic: Everything Pro-Life
This past Sunday, we heard from some of our very own teens about a primary issue of our culture. Three HSM seniors, who are also active members and leaders of the pro-life movement in their school, covered every aspect of what it means to be Christians who view life as an invaluable gift that God the Creator has given to us.
If you want to learn more about what you can do to better support life in your local community, check out the webpage linked below!
Don't let the things we say at Church stay at Church!! Use these questions to comfortably bring Jesus into your everyday conversations with friends, family, and even those you might not know very well (yet!).
When was the first time you heard the pro-life position?
Is the pro-life movement only about religion?
What gives human life value?
Why is it important to stand up for the most vulnerable in our society?
Jesus' greatest gift of love to us is the Eucharist. In fact, it is more than just a gift. It is also the Gift-Giver: Jesus gives us Himself every single time we receive the Eucharist.
Come by every week to revisit the Youth Mass Homily!! This past Sunday, Deacon Eduardo Barajas preached on his own experience of encountering the love of God, and how the Lord set his heart on fire, never to be the same again. Listen now!