12/11 RECAP



This past Sunday we had the second and final part of our Advent series: LIGHT OF THE WORLD! As we come closer and closer to Christmas, we make space for Jesus to reign as the King of the Universe. As King, Jesus brings love and life into His Kingdom of the Church.

Each of us is personally invited into God’s royal family. Jesus wishes to reign over our hearts just as He reigns over all of creation. If we choose to let Jesus be the King of our heart, He will be able to bring love and life to our lives in new and powerful ways!



Don't let the things we say at Church stay at Church!! Use these questions to comfortably bring Jesus into your everyday conversations with friends, family, and even those you might not know very well (yet!).

  • What does it mean for Jesus to be the King of the Universe?

  • What kind of King is Jesus? How does He rule?

  • Would you consider Jesus to be in control of your life? King of your life?

  • How can we make more room for Jesus to rule in our hearts?

  • What would a heart completely abandoned to the will of God look like?



Jesus' greatest gift of love to us is the Eucharist. In fact, it is more than just a gift. It is also the Gift-Giver: Jesus gives us Himself every single time we receive the Eucharist.

Come by every week to revisit the Youth Mass Homily!! This past Sunday, Fr. Paul Bechter (Vocations Director for the Diocese of Dallas) preached on the joy that we are called to hold while we wait for God in the darkness. While it is true that life can be difficult, we can not forget the great joy that Jesus can bring to every moment of our lives. Listen now!



We are able to unleash the Kingdom of God into the world through affirmation, blessing, and intercessory prayer! Take advantage of opportunities to bring love and life to those around you. Do not be afraid to speak the name of Jesus over your day!!