

MSM (Middle School Ministry)

Middle School Ministry meets Sunday nights following the 4:30pm Youth Mass for their weekly Youth Night. This night includes, food, fellowship in smaller groups, relevant topics, and dynamic programming. We meet 6pm-7:30pm in the Cenacle room.

We also offer a smaller weekly meeting called “Encounter” which offers middle school students an increase their knowledge of the faith and the ability to gain the confidence to live it out. Held in Coppell (6:30p - 7:45p) in room 304.


HSM (High School Ministry)

High School Ministry meets Sunday nights following the 4:30pm Youth Mass. These gatherings are referred to as “242 Nights” in reference to Acts 2:42.

This includes, fellowship in smaller groups, relevant topics, and dynamic programming. We meet 6pm-7:30pm in the assembly room.

We also offer a smaller weekly Bible Study held in Coppell (6:30p - 7:45p) & Flower Mound (7p - 8:15p).
